The IPPM news blog
In patent law, as well as the chemical law, changes are ongoing continuosly in every country at both, EU and global level. We keep you informed.
3. As of 12/01/2012: Labeling of substances according to CLP/GHS
The CLP regulation EG 127272008 came into force on 01/20/2010 and replaced the rules of classification, characterization and packaging (guideline 67/548/EWG for substances and 1999/45/EG for composites/formulations).
Substances which are placed on the market before 12/01/2010 have to be classified and labeled according to GHS/CLP-VO; the deadline for mixtures and formulations which are placed on the market before 06/01/2015 is till 06/01/2017.
1. June 2015 Mixtures have to be categorized according to CLP/GHS
As of June 1st 2015 at the latest , mixtures have to be classified, labeled and packed according to CLP’s criteria Until then, the regulations of the Preparations Directive are valid.
Till December 1st, 2017, mixtures which are placed on the market according to the guidelines of the Preparations Directives before June 1st , 2015, have to be sold.
2. REACH Phase 3 ends on May 31st 2018
According to the REACH regulation (EG) No. 1907/2006 substances which are manufactured or importedin volumes of 1 t/a and more have to be registered according to title II of these directive. For Phase-in substances the legislative Authority provides transitional periods until the final registration. Prerequisite for claiming these transitional periods was a pre-registration until December 1st, 2008.
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