The IPPM news blog
In patent law, as well as the chemical law, changes are ongoing continuosly in every country at both, EU and global level. We keep you informed.
As of 09/01/2013 the new EU Biocides Directive applies
In the official register of the European Union (L 167 on 06/27/2012) the new regulation (EU) No. 528/2012 of the European parliament and council from May, the 22nd 2012 about the placement on the market and the usage of biocidal products was published .
The directive came to force on 07/17/2012. Its regulations s have to be applied directly in all member states as of 09/01/2013. Thereby, the directive replaces the original biocidal product directive 98/8/EG. Transitional provisions apply for:
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