We ensure your REACH-compliance
All substances and mixtures which are manufactured or imported in quantities of one tonne or more per year, have to be registered at the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) according to REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals).The obligation regarding the registration depends on: whether you manufacture or import the chemical or intermediate substances by yourself or whether you process them as a downstream user (e.g. trading; producers and SDS importers of products can be affected by the european chemical regulation as well)
We clarify to which extent you are affected by REACH and we arrange the implementation of all required steps to ensure your REACH-compliance.
We help you with your REACH registration and offer:
- analysis about the extent to which you are affected by REACH
- indentification of required responsibilities
- strategic planning of required activities
- cost planning and control
- registrations and notifications
- communication with the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
- support of your interests in SIEFs and consortia
- reconciliation of registration dossiers / CLP / safety data sheet
- actualization of registration dossiers
- preregistering
- indentification of lead registrants
- preliminary enquiry to ECHA about new substances
- notification to ECHA about substances for the product- or process-oriented research and development
- tracing of product output
- arrangement and support in the processing of REACH inspections by your supervisory authority
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